Research Pact Against Climate Change Consequences
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May 23, 2018

Research Pact Against Climate Change Consequences

The Bavarian Network for Climate Research (bayklif) was founded in 2050 as part of the Bavarian Climate Protection Programme. The network focuses on better understanding the ecological and social consequences of climate change in order to use this knowledge to develop suitable measures to mitigate climate change and its consequences. Prof. Annette Menzel from the Technical University of Munich (TUM) is the spokesperson for bayklif.

The bayklif network supports interdisciplinary collaborative projects and junior research groups as research formats. Each funding period is five years. The total funding volume over the five-year term is around 18 million euros. Regional and supra-regional strategies for climate protection and adaptation are to be developed through the projects funded.

"Climate change has also arrived in Bavaria - it can be felt and measured," said Bavarian Science Minister Prof. Marion Kiechle at the start of the research alliance. Due to the already existing high level in the research landscape in Bavaria, further important findings in this research field could be achieved in the field of climate and the now bundled scientific excellence in the Bavarian Climate Research Network, which also provided valuable foundations for decision-makers in society and politics. "Many people talk about climate change, but Bavaria is making a concrete contribution to the preservation of our home country for future generations," said the Science Minister.

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The selected five collaborative projects and five junior research groups, which will be funded in the future, have successfully asserted themselves against competing project proposals in a science-led two-stage selection procedure.

Technische Universität München